This article is a must-read for both employers and autistic job-seeking adults. From an employer standpoint, this article outlines several of the benefits associated with hiring autistic talent. Large organizations like software giant, SAP confirm the benefits of hiring those on the autism spectrum. In the article SAP identified that hiring autistic people has expanded their talent pool, while also helping to produce more innovation, team cohesion, greater productivity, and better customer relations. SAP also notes that some of the software testers who are employed and have autism are ranked in the top 3 to 5 percent for their job performance. These are just a few positive highlights of expanding the hiring mindset for many companies across the U.S. and the globe. There is real societal burden relief when it comes to employing differently-abled individuals. In the article a point is made that for every government dollar spent on employment programs, 7 cents is saved when the worker moves away from needing disability benefits programs. I really appreciate the fact that the article highlights that not all autistic job-seekers are cut out for software testing or the tech industry. Yet there still needs to be recruitment and employment efforts to capitalize on the high productivity levels, dedication and employer loyalty autistic employees bring to any industry. Posted by Nick Venturella |
October 2017